Sunday, May 22, 2011

Pirates of the Caribbean

People thought that this franchise was getting old but that didn't keep the movie from making big bucks internationally. The fourth movie On Stranger Tides smashed box office records this weekend becoming the biggest international opening of all time. Grossing $256.3 million, the movie grossed as much as three times America's $90.1 million. The movie knocked Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which earned $236 million, off the number one spot. I wonder if this means there will be a fifth movie.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

No Prenup for Royal Couple

Prince William and Duchess Catherine Middleton did not sign a prenup for their marriage. This adds to the romance that they and hopeful will last forever. A source said: "For him to refuse, it would have had to have been suggested to him by someone and it was not. There is no prenuptial agreement in place for this wedding." I really hope this marriage lasts because they look so sweet together and it doesn't look like the Royals have a good track record either. Now as for Prince Harry.... I am totally single and up for it. Duchess Anna Ho has a nice ring to it.

Man Eats Liver

Maybe this guy was looking for a new diet to get inches off the waist line or he's just a carnivore. Either way this is disturbing. Police in Moscow, Russia arrested a man caught "eating an acquaintance's liver." Proceed to read at your own stomach. The man was eating the liver with potatoes when he was caught and the other half of the liver was in the refrigerator.

He's Getting Paperrr...

There are people in this world that are greedy and just plain evil and greedy. Leroy Fick, a man of Auburn,Michigan, recently won $2 million from the lottery. All that money would be enough for groceries for more than one family but not enough money to get off of food stamps for Fick. The sad part is that this is completely legal for Fick to do. Food stamp eligibility is based on gross income not liquid assets. Sen. Jones is furious and is working on changing the policy.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bad mom. Bad mom. Whatcha Gonna Do When We Come For You?

The mother, Kerry Campbell, who made headlines after admitting to giving her eight year old daughter, Britney, Botox is being investigated by San Francisco authorities. Campbell decided to give Botox when her daughter came to her and said she had wrinkles when she smiled. Officials from the city's Human Services will be interviewing Campbell and her daughter. San Francisco Human Services Agency spokesperson, Trent Rohrer told the San Francisco Chronicle: "It’s pretty unusual for a mom to be injecting an eight-year-old with Botox, and certainly is grounds for an investigation." This may not be called abuse but it's some kind of torture.

8 is new... 40

This is a whole new level for pageant moms all over the nation. A mother in San Francisco gave her 8 year old daughter Botox injections because the daughter told her mother she had wrinkles. The mother, Kerry Campbell, said she decided to give her daughter, Britney, Botox when she said she had wrinkles when she smiles. Ever heard of dimples? Campbell also waxes her daughter's upper legs just in case she hits puberty and any "fluffy" hair start to appear. This is an embarrassment and a whole new level for pageant mothers.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Brazil Just Got Hotter

Brazil's High Court has ruled to legalize same sex civil unions which will give legal rights to gay couples such as alimony and retirement benefits. Brazil is a country with mostly Roman Catholics. The Catholic church fought the measure to prevent a complete legalization for gay marriage.This is a historic moment for all Brazilians not just homosexuals. Hopefully this change will be a good one for other countries struggling on this debate.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead....or At Least Withdrawn

Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA student whose video ranting about Asians in the library went viral, has announced that she has withdrawn from UCLA.  She said

"The video has led to the harassment of my family, the publishing of my personal information, death threats and being ostracized from an entire community. Accordingly, for personal safety reasons, I have chosen to no longer attend classes at UCLA. I was trying to produce a humorous YouTube video, but instead offended the UCLA community and the entire Asian culture. I am truly sorry for the hurtful words I said and the pain it caused to anyone who watched the video. Especially in the wake of the ongoing disaster in Japan, I would do anything to take back my insensitive words. I could write apology letters all day and night, but I know they wouldn't erase the video from your memory, nor would they act to reverse my inappropriate action.’’
This is sketchy. She released this statement the day that UCLA announced that they were not taking any disciplinary action against her. Most likely there was a meeting with Wallace and the UCLA board. They came up with a deal that Wallace withdraw herself from UCLA so that UCLA officials will not have to do anything to her. If UCLA chose to expel her there would be a lawsuit because what Wallace did could be considered freedom of speech and it would cause UCLA to have an even more scandalous reputation.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Shake Your Royal Moneymaker

          Kate Middleton , future bride of His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales, parents, Carole and Michael, have decided to chip in for the royal wedding. As tradition follows the bride's family foots the bill for the wedding but seeing as the groom's family owns a whole country.....not so much. The parents will be chipping in a six figure sum which would cover most people's weddings, but it doesn't make much of a dent into the royal wedding seeing as the wedding will cost $10 million. So I guess they could use the money for tip money for the waiters? 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Alexandra Wallace,18, a UCLA student posted a rant video that went viral over the weekend. In the video Wallace is ranting about how Asians don't have manners and how there are "hordes of Asian people" and how they bring their realtives to the apartment complex. UCLA spokesperson, Phil Hampton, said that Wallace's video is shameful and that she will be getting discipline. There's a controversy of whether Wallace should be expelled because what she did was an act of freedom of speech. All I have to say is that theres a difference between freedom of speech and hate speech.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Beckham's Get It All

Back in December, David Beckham said that he would like to be invited to the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Well if you ask you shall receive. Beckham and his wife both received invitations to the royal event. Maybe they can ask the Obamas to babysit for them.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Golden Milkshake

The homeless man that has a "golden voice" is doing pretty good for not having a home a couple months ago. It's amazing what Youtube can do nowadays. The man with the golden voice, Ted Williams, now has his own milkshake called the "Golden Milkshake" at Millions of Milkshakes. He was dressed pretty snazzy and I assume he's doing good for himself. I wish him the best and hope that he uses his voice for good.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not All Men Are Immature....

I was looking through the politics section on to find out more about the crisis in Egypt when I came across this video. Iowa had an election a few months ago and the big controversy were about three judges in the Iowa Supreme Court. Those three judges ruled for same sex marriage. Sadly, those three judges were voted out after the election. On Tuesday, Iowa's House of Representatives voted 62-37 to propose an amendment that would ban same sex marriage in Iowa. Zach Wahls, 19 and a student who attends the University of Iowa, made a speech in front of the representatives and I do not think that anyone would deny that he is an impressive orator. If I ever see this guy around, and I hope I will, I'd give him a hug and say "I hope my brother will grow up to have a character as wonderful and brilliant as yours." I'd probably hit on him too. Just saying.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daddy's Little Rebel

Barbara Bush, daughter of former president George Bush, voices support for gay marriage."I'm Barbara Bush, and I'm a New Yorker for marriage equaility", said Bush in a video released by the Human Rights Campaign, a group that supports rights for gays, lesbian, transgenders, and bisexuals. This statement Barbara Bush is making goes against her father who pushed for a consitutional admendment banning gay unions. Not only is Barbara the only person to speak out in the Bush family, but also the former First Lady, Laura Bush, was quoted saying gay marriage "is coming" and  "When couples are committed to each other and love each other, they ought to have… the same sort of rights that everyone has." Guess dinner time is about to be really awkward.