Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not All Men Are Immature....

I was looking through the politics section on to find out more about the crisis in Egypt when I came across this video. Iowa had an election a few months ago and the big controversy were about three judges in the Iowa Supreme Court. Those three judges ruled for same sex marriage. Sadly, those three judges were voted out after the election. On Tuesday, Iowa's House of Representatives voted 62-37 to propose an amendment that would ban same sex marriage in Iowa. Zach Wahls, 19 and a student who attends the University of Iowa, made a speech in front of the representatives and I do not think that anyone would deny that he is an impressive orator. If I ever see this guy around, and I hope I will, I'd give him a hug and say "I hope my brother will grow up to have a character as wonderful and brilliant as yours." I'd probably hit on him too. Just saying.

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