Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead....or At Least Withdrawn

Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA student whose video ranting about Asians in the library went viral, has announced that she has withdrawn from UCLA.  She said

"The video has led to the harassment of my family, the publishing of my personal information, death threats and being ostracized from an entire community. Accordingly, for personal safety reasons, I have chosen to no longer attend classes at UCLA. I was trying to produce a humorous YouTube video, but instead offended the UCLA community and the entire Asian culture. I am truly sorry for the hurtful words I said and the pain it caused to anyone who watched the video. Especially in the wake of the ongoing disaster in Japan, I would do anything to take back my insensitive words. I could write apology letters all day and night, but I know they wouldn't erase the video from your memory, nor would they act to reverse my inappropriate action.’’
This is sketchy. She released this statement the day that UCLA announced that they were not taking any disciplinary action against her. Most likely there was a meeting with Wallace and the UCLA board. They came up with a deal that Wallace withdraw herself from UCLA so that UCLA officials will not have to do anything to her. If UCLA chose to expel her there would be a lawsuit because what Wallace did could be considered freedom of speech and it would cause UCLA to have an even more scandalous reputation.

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