Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Beckham's Get It All

Back in December, David Beckham said that he would like to be invited to the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Well if you ask you shall receive. Beckham and his wife both received invitations to the royal event. Maybe they can ask the Obamas to babysit for them.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Golden Milkshake

The homeless man that has a "golden voice" is doing pretty good for not having a home a couple months ago. It's amazing what Youtube can do nowadays. The man with the golden voice, Ted Williams, now has his own milkshake called the "Golden Milkshake" at Millions of Milkshakes. He was dressed pretty snazzy and I assume he's doing good for himself. I wish him the best and hope that he uses his voice for good.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not All Men Are Immature....

I was looking through the politics section on to find out more about the crisis in Egypt when I came across this video. Iowa had an election a few months ago and the big controversy were about three judges in the Iowa Supreme Court. Those three judges ruled for same sex marriage. Sadly, those three judges were voted out after the election. On Tuesday, Iowa's House of Representatives voted 62-37 to propose an amendment that would ban same sex marriage in Iowa. Zach Wahls, 19 and a student who attends the University of Iowa, made a speech in front of the representatives and I do not think that anyone would deny that he is an impressive orator. If I ever see this guy around, and I hope I will, I'd give him a hug and say "I hope my brother will grow up to have a character as wonderful and brilliant as yours." I'd probably hit on him too. Just saying.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Daddy's Little Rebel

Barbara Bush, daughter of former president George Bush, voices support for gay marriage."I'm Barbara Bush, and I'm a New Yorker for marriage equaility", said Bush in a video released by the Human Rights Campaign, a group that supports rights for gays, lesbian, transgenders, and bisexuals. This statement Barbara Bush is making goes against her father who pushed for a consitutional admendment banning gay unions. Not only is Barbara the only person to speak out in the Bush family, but also the former First Lady, Laura Bush, was quoted saying gay marriage "is coming" and  "When couples are committed to each other and love each other, they ought to have… the same sort of rights that everyone has." Guess dinner time is about to be really awkward.